Recycled polyethylene

Waste, a valuable resource

Recycled polyethylene (PE) is obtained by collecting, sorting, cleaning, grinding and melting used polyethylene products. The recycled PE we process is produced from post-consumer waste.

Post-consumer waste is waste generated after a product has been used and discarded by the consumer. Such waste includes carrier bags, pouches, foils and household packaging. In Belgium, this type of waste is collected in e.g. blue PMD bags, which proves to be an efficient collection system. We turn your waste into a new high-quality carrier bag or packaging!

Post-consumer waste contains a wide range of products consisting of different colours, plastic types and pollution levels. It often contains contaminants such as food scraps, labels and other non-plastic materials. Separating different material types and removing contaminants makes collection, sorting and preparation for recycling complex.

Why choose a packaging or carrier bag made of recycled polyethylene?

Packaging or carrier bags made from recycled PE have the same properties (carrying capacity, tensile and wet strength) as conventional PE, but offer some additional benefits with regards to the environment:

  • By using recycled materials, you contribute to a circular economy, a model where waste is kept to a minimum, environmental pollution and litter is avoided as much as possible, everything is recycled to the maximum extent possible and climate recovery is promoted by saving CO2.

  • The use of recycled PE leads to savings on fossil resources.

  • Recycling gives waste a second life and reduces waste.

  • Recycled PE helps fight plastic pollution, which is crucial when it comes to protecting ecosystems and wildlife.

  • Recycling polyethylene generally requires less energy than producing new materials, resulting in lower greenhouse gas emissions. This helps reduce the greenhouse effect and contributes to the fight against climate change.

Good to know alpagro packaging

Good to know…

  • Products made from recycled material are usually cheaper than products made from virgin material. Are you looking for an affordable packaging or carrier bag and do you want to contribute to a more sustainable future at the same time? We highly recommend our recycled polyethylene!

  • Because it is often difficult to trace the origin and full use history of recycled materials, recycled materials are not suitable for food packaging. They may contain harmful substances that can migrate into food and thus pose a risk to food safety. However, efforts and research are ongoing to improve the quality of recycled polyethylene and develop methods to make it suitable for safe use in food packaging.

  • Carrier bags or packaging made from recycled polyethylene can be recognised by irregularities in the film.

Would you like a carrier bag or
packaging made of recycled PE?

We’re happy to help!

Our specialists are at your service for additional information on our various material types and will be happy to offer advice tailored to your product.

Custom packaging design